Comparing Go Animate and Flipbook
Go Animate

Simplicity: Simplicity is a must factor in my project because I have to be able to effectively teach the students about the Design Cycle. If the product is simple then the students will probably understand the message I am trying to get across. If the product were not simple then the students would find the lesson complicated and would lose focuses. Go Animate is a simple way to teach a 6th grader the function of the Design Cycle because it is very simple and organized. The way it is demonstrated in the tutorial is very explanatory and shows that this is a simple, fun way to teach the Design Cycle.
Characters: Although go Animate provides a limited amount of characters, not many are needed to successfully teach the 6th graders about the Design Cycle. The characters that are given are good enough to create a product that will surely be a success. If I need more characters Go Animate charges a fee and I can buy a character if it is needed. The characters are cool and also entertaining in a way that I feel the students will enjoy watching them.
Background: The background for Go Animate are great. They have different backgrounds to choose from which in my opinion is good because I have a variety of options. If I don't like a background I can easily change it to one of my liking. Since Go Animate provides the backgrounds I can focus on more important things like the script rather than how good the background appears.
Text: Although Go Animate allows you to write your own text the location of the speech bubbles it limited. This limitation is not so bad due to the fact that you can create your own script so the characters recite them in their distinct and unique voices. This is fantastic since they are easy to understand and provide a sense of humor. Humor is considered good in my book since people usually pay attention to funny things and are more likely to focus on the lesson. By having the attention of the students I can effectively send the message across.
Neatness: Go Animate is neat because the background and characters are already created. There's not need to draw on our own and the whole things looks super neat. When you are drawing things sometimes get messy and it does not look attractive. I am going for an attractive product and not a mixture of colors and lines that are hard to understand especially if we are drawing in a computer and have limited amount of colors and can't draw with much details.
Creativity: Go Animate is creative but I think it could be better. It is creative in the sense that your are able to make it your own and make things the way you want but it also lacks some creativity in the characters and backgrounds. You get what they give you and you have to truly make it yours and work it. It would be cool if you could change several things about Go Animate but we just have to finds different ways to create a creative product with the things we are provided with.
Creativity: Go Animate is creative but I think it could be better. It is creative in the sense that your are able to make it your own and make things the way you want but it also lacks some creativity in the characters and backgrounds. You get what they give you and you have to truly make it yours and work it. It would be cool if you could change several things about Go Animate but we just have to finds different ways to create a creative product with the things we are provided with.

Simplicity: Creating a product that is simple will enable my results to be easy to understand and appear logical. I didn't think Flipbook offered the simplicity factor because it was difficult to create a product with the tools they provided. Drawing characters and creating a background was hard and I couldn't make them simple without looking disorganized. The color choices were limited and they did not offer a way to effectively teach a 6th grader the Design Cycle in a simple way.
Background: Flipbook did not offer any options for backgrounds. I had to create my own background and things didn't work out so well. This is not a good choice for someone who is not so artistic and even for someone with good art skills may find this difficult. Drawing on a computer and trying to make straight or perfectly curved lines is extremely hard. Things just don't come out the way you'd like which can get very frustrating. A product made from frustration surely can't be good.
Text: Flipbook allowed its users to be as creative as they wished by letting us write our own things. The provided colors and options to make a line bigger to write in different sizes and colors. This was great except that again you could not make the words as legible like writing on paper and the words were difficult to write. The writing on Flipbook took some major patience and still did not make me satisfied.
Neatness: Flipbook failed the neatness test. I tried my best to do things neat and organized but drawing one a computer is pretty hard work which require patience and time. Flipbook provided some pretty features like giving you the option to pick colors and write your own text but it did get very complicated after a while. The lines and writing are not straight and look ugly and I do not want my product of be unsuccessful.
Creativity: Flipbook was rated a 5 because it really allowed you to go crazy with your ideas and design pretty much anything you'd like. Incorporating creativity into a project is great because it allowed you to design things your way but letting you go to wild can cause you're project to be a disaster if the product does not look neat. Flipbook allowed you to draw pretty much anything and anyone, the only reason I didn't like this, was because even though I am okay in art, I could not be creative enough to start planing my design so that things are a bit more organized.
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